Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dream Thread Story

I feel a soft, cool breeze on my face but my neck is hot and the rest of my body is numb. Slowly I open my eyes to see a grey sky boarded by the tops of snow-covered pine trees. I'm not sure where I am or why I'm here.
I feel a sharp pain on my side as I shift to sit upright. There is severe bruising and a deep laceration that I can't even feel unless I move. As I try to stand to my feet my breath feels short and my vision goes completely dark. I fall back down to sit because I must be having a panic attack or something. Then I remember my glasses... which should be on my face? I feel around in the snow and find them. I still can't see anything clearly because everything looks so dark and I put my glasses on but they don't help.
"Okay. Breathe... Just breathe."
I open my eyes again and the darkness is gone but my vision is blurred. In frustration I throw my glasses into the snow, but to my surprise everything is clear now. In fact, everything is amazing! I can see perfectly--even better than my glasses ever let my see!
I hear a rustling sound to  my left and turn to see a bear. Even more startling than that is the fact that I can see THROUGH the bear--like I'm standing here watching it's heart beat! Looking around I notice my vision shifting from normal to, like....x-ray?
What the hell happened to me?

1 comment:

  1. What a strange sensation, especially for someone so accustomed to seeing through the world through glasses, to suddenly have such powerful vision. An interesting story idea. Thanks, Piper!
