Monday, April 25, 2016

The Millennium: Ukrainian Revolution

is shown in the flags that wave high for every Ukrainian citizen to see, and heard in their voices as they sing their national anthem.
is shown is the sheer size of the crowd; thousands of normal, non-political people gathering together for support of an important cause.
is the reason that these protesters come flocking to Maidan for their voices to be heard.
is the feeling that they all radiate to each other as they stand side by side.

is shown when the citizens tried to protest peacefully, but in return the people were beaten brutally by the police.
is heard in the voice of a man asking the police why they are betraying their people to follow the orders of Viktor Yanukovych, and seen by the shock on peoples' faces as they run from merciless police batons.

is felt when each citizen stands together to fight for their freedom no matter what;
it's seen in the people running toward the wall of police, unconcerned that they are out-numbered and barely armed;
and it's heard in the strength that it takes to say "I came here to die."

1 comment:

  1. Upon entering this class I had no idea what to expect from my classmates. Each of you is bold, creative, humorous and inspiring. Each of your pieces is full of character and is well written. I know each of you will be amazing and life will bring you happiness and success, but only if you are an active participant. Good luck, don't get too lost out there.
