Monday, April 18, 2016

Antique Photos

These are the Williams sisters. They are not related by blood. Annabel's father married Charlotte's mother when they met in 1930 in Chicago. These girls couldn't be more polar opposite.
On the left you Annabel. She is the independent and adventurous one. Despite being a female during this time in history, Annabel will grow up to become a well-known author and journalist. She will spend a huge portion of her life exploring interesting and dangerous territory all around the world. All she wants from life is success and respect. She wants her legacy to live on and be remembered. Her only fears are being tied down or bored.
Charlotte, on the other had, will grow up to become the housewife of a hard working a middle-class man. Charlotte enjoy sewing, playing piano, and hosting family reunions and get-togethers with her neighbors. Her aspirations are to be appreciated by her children and husband and admired by her community. She is afraid of instability, constantly worrying about finances.

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