Three Interesting Ideas From The 417 Magazine Presentation
1. I love the fact that they started out so so small and just kept working very hard and eventually they were able to expand their building and hire more people. It shows that the people there are very hard working and take what they do very seriously.
2. Not only was I inspired by their work ethic, I was also inspired by their purpose. The staff at 417 Magazine put so much love and care into their work and really believe in the message--they want to show all the great things about the culture of southern Missouri. They combined their two passions: art and the 417.
3. I was really interested in what the senior editor had to say because I have been thinking about perusing that as a career. I thought it was interesting that the editors also did the writing instead of having writers.
My Question:
What is the job outlook for editors? Are editors in demand right now or is it hard to find a job in editing?
My Future:
In one year from now I'll be in college, furthering my education. In five years I'll be living in California in a nice lift near the beach. I'll be an editor for a newspaper or magazine. And I will probably spend a lot of time surfing with my friends. In fifty years I'll be in the same place, surrounded by loved one--friends, kids, church family.
What a serene image there, sitting on the beach with the sun setting. Hope that's what your life ends up like. I like what you said about admiring the purpose and love the staff at 417 put into their magazine. I noticed that, too--a real passion.